Google AdSense
Few days back i read an article ( dont remember the link ) in which the author spoke of ways to earn money by writing free open source code. The author said that we can concentrate on taking small problems which are very important and for which there are no good solutions. Then we should write good code to solve such problems. We can host our solutions online in sites like sourceforge etc. From these pages we can a link back to our own sites. By doing so we are creating external reference to our sites and thus increasing its "Google Page Rank" and thus its advertisement potential. This way we can make money by allowing people to advertise in our site. In this article he had made a mention of Google AdSense.
When i checked out Google AdSense, i found it very interesting. The basic principle of Google AdSense is that Google will place advertisements of its sponsors in our site and out of the revenue generated, a part will be credited to us. Though it may not seem something great, the best part of Google Ad sense is that it will analyse the contents of our sites and then suggest most suitable ads. If we dont believe this, We also have an option of selecting the ads that can be placed in our site. The way google calculates the revenue is also very clear. We can get ad revenue based on either the number of impressions of the ads or based on the number of clicks on the featured ads. Google AdSense also provides a google search box in our site. The search results got from this will also have featured ads and thus gives us ad revenue. However revenue from these ads are based on number of clicks and not on impressions.
I am trying out Google AdSense through this blog. Let me see.. Anyways nothing to lose. Can come out of it anytime i like. My account, after initial problems in my credit name, is now under creation. I am eagerly waiting to make my first e-commerce transaction...
For more details about Google AdSense visit the following link
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