TiddlyWiki - wiki journal
This is a very nice way to provide the power of wiki to a journal.
Main advanatages of a wiki:-
- Very easy to create and edit content
- Neednot worry about the html syntax
- Interlinking the articles in like punctuating words
One major disadvantage of a wiki is that it expects us to learn new conventions for formating and linking texts. If one is already familiar with html, this is a bit irritating untill one gets used to the new wiki conventions.
Some interesting features of TiddlyWiki:-
- It is purely html and javascript based, so works on any browser, best on firefox.
- It doesnot depend on any server technology
- All the content is in one html page
Some journal specific features of TiddlyWiki:-
- One click creation of new date stamp titled journal entry
- Generates xml feeds
- Allows tagging of entries ( here an entry is called a tiddler )
- Searching of tiddlers, including regex search capabilities
- Though it is non-linear, it gives a timeline view
Related links:-
- Tiddly wiki site
- TiddlyWikiTutorial
- EmptyPage from which you can start building your own wiki. No other download required.
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